Daily Archives: April 21, 2019

2 posts

Official Statement: Hail Satan?

The film Hail Satan? has nothing to do with the Church of Satan nor the established religion of Satanism which we founded and have represented for over half a century. The primary subject of the film, The Satanic Temple (TST), is a political activist group which originally claimed to practice devil worship. Neither their member’s actions, nor this film, should be taken as an accurate representation of the religion of Satanism. Moreover, we do not believe this film is an accurate representation of TST. Penny Lane, director of Hail Satan?, has stated that she feels “very aligned with/allied with TST’s […]

Ostara, Dawn Goddess, also known as Ēostre


Today, Christians celebrate their well-worn myth, lifted from earlier pagan religions, of a savior risen from the dead. Some neo-pagans will esteem the relatively obscure female deity, Ēostre. We’re often asked what Satanists might be doing while others honor the “walking dead” Nazarene or a goddess of the dawn? Since we are free of any holiday obligations, we might ignore this date altogether. However, enjoying whatever one finds pleasing from festivities associated with this time of year would also be a proper pursuit for we diabolists. While candy is often a part of this day—and these days there are some yummy […]