ERNTE: Weltenzerstörer

ERNTE: Weltenzerstörer

Following the band’s previous two albums (Geist und Hexerei / Albsegen), Weltenzerstörer represents a further development of ERNTE‘s earlier work, emphasizing its melodic and atmospheric elements while remaining true to its black metal origins.
Weltenzerstörer (worlds destroyer) doesn’t just mean the destruction of our earth—the plural, worlds, is a deliberate choice. The world of sick thoughts. The world of false feelings. The world of consumption, or the world of manipulation. The world of religions, which we all deeply despise.
Weltenzerstörer is not a concept album, yet it can be said in general that the lyrics on the album embody a misanthropic attitude. It is about consciously chosen loneliness and the search for a higher meaning. But it is also an invocation of ancient powers and spirits in order to create new ones with the destruction of today’s sick world(s) and to give nature more space again.
Weltenzerstörer is released on LP/CD and cassette.

Get it either from the band‘s or the vendetta bandcamp page.