To celebrate her birthday today, your extraordinary High Priestess, Maga Peggy Nadramia, is releasing a newly completed chapter to her upcoming book titled The Cinematic Adventures of Anton LaVey. This lengthy and masterful article covers in great depth the various film projects in which our founder Magus Anton Szandor LaVey was involved over the years during his tenure as our High Priest. You will learn which projects were rejected, which were made and currently lost, and which were triumphs that we can all still enjoy today. Be prepared to take your time to delve in—Doktor’s experiences were many and varied, and Peggy has chronicled them with the greatest detail currently possible through various sources.
Many of you have come to know our brilliant and gracious High Priestess over the decades in her capacities as a leader to both our Church and Satanism worldwide. Her exemplary skills as a writer, editor, manager, organizer, archivist, as well as confidante and advisor—cultivating talents and inspiring self-realization amongst the wonderful individuals who have had the great fortune to have contact with our Great Lady—have proven her to be a woman of high intelligence, deep insight, perceptive humor, and great power. I am both honored and proud to call her my wife, partner, ally, and best friend as we’ve been a couple for close to 50 years.
So, please join me today in hailing Maga Peggy Nadramia, affectionately known as Mama Satan, as she continues to make our exotic garden grow!
Hail Maga Peggy Nadramia! Hail Mama Satan!
Hail Satan!
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore