Metal Breakfast Radio – Episode 42.6
“Well, maybe he is…”
We (and by that we mean Dave) finally got a show edited. And by that we mean half a show. Confused? Then we’ll explain. First half of this episode features the unusual suspects of Bob, Kent and Dave in all their somewhat drunken glory, giving it large with a selection of tracks delivered to the door from multiple nefarious sources. You may hear references to episodes that have yet to air, but that’s just the beer talking. We never got to finish that particular episode as the beer talked way too much, so Dave picked up the pieces and recorded the second half last week. It’s another delve into his workout playlist, and why not? Because cobblers, that’s why not. On this oddly produced episode you might get to hear:
A drunk review of panda metal.
Miami Vice drum samples.
Really bad cocktails.
Hans Christian Andersen spoilers.
German flying saucers and language lessons.
Something something Cthulhu something.
Apologies to Jeze Belle. And Carsten, again.
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