Self-protection: Awareness
by Warlock Tengu
an article for The Black Flame—November, L A.S.
Self-protection from a satanic viewpoint includes ideas that are integral to our tenets. Certainly our pragmatism supersedes false bravado or heroism where our life may be in danger. Pretentiousness and self-deceit can be deadly when facing a dangerous situation. Survival is our top priority and should be the driving force when confronting violent criminals. We are realists. Even a trained individual must consider whether their actions are appropriate or may hinder the best possible outcome. If forced into a situation where there is no other option, one must fight to preserve their life. This article will focus on avoiding dangerous situations, before they escalate to violence.
When most people think of self-defense or self-protection they think of martial arts training. It is presumed that one simply joins a Karate, Jujutsu or MMA training studio and EVENTUALLY one will be able to defend themselves from an assailant. The fact that even trained martial artists can become victims of violent crime is a harsh reality that must be accepted. Carrying a firearm is not always possible, or legal. If you do carry a firearm and are involved in a situation with an armed assailant, there is no guarantee that you will “win the shootout”. Unless you have professional training in combat shooting with several hours of training simulation, it is impractical to assume you will have the ability to safely draw your weapon and actually use it. There are important concepts that must be understood as prerequisite to any form of physical or firearms training. Let’s begin with a basic concept that is often overlooked.
Self-protection begins with awareness. Criminals usually prefer an easy target. A criminal typically employs dominance in order to maintain control during the execution of a crime. If they begin to feel they are not in control it will cause panic or desperation. Through experience, they learn to seek out a victim that will maximize their success and minimize risk of failure. Learning to be observant is the first step in preventing victimization. Simply put, don’t give the appearance of an easy target. For instance, it is common when walking alone to look downward while contemplating whatever is on our mind. A criminal searches for victims who are unaware of their surroundings. It is a good idea to scan your immediate environment and your direction of travel as you are walking. Hold your head up and walk with confidence, looking briefly in the direction of those you see along your path. Take a quick glance and return to your eyes forward and confident gait to show the assailant that you are aware of their presence. If you do sense an aggravated person after your observational glance and feel intimidated, do not look downward or toward the ground. This natural psychological reaction will reveal to the criminal that you are intimidated. Criminals are looking for subtle clues of a meek individual who appears an easy target. Walk with confidence when in areas where you are unfamiliar.
Women are specifically targeted as easy prey. Use your wit if you see something out of the ordinary. If you arrive home and see an unexpected or suspicious stranger standing at your door it may be a good idea to continue driving or walking past your home. Pull up or walk to a neighbor’s house. Call the police if the suspicious person does not leave. Same concept applies in a dark parking lot. Avoid continually using your remote entry to find your vehicle. Common sense is essential to avoiding possible conflict.
When unarmed, there are certain protocols that are wise to follow. It is realistic to assume that if a criminal is armed with a weapon such as a gun or knife, they are willing to use it. In such scenarios, it is best to give the attacker what they are asking for, yet in a way that you may escape with the greatest chance for survival. Here a few things to keep in mind in these types of situations:
- An armed robber demanding your wallet, purse, vehicle, etc. probably isn’t planning to murder you. If asked for your wallet or purse, throw it as far in the opposite direction from your escape route as possible, then run; preferably an erratic side to side pattern, making it difficult to easily aim at you. Do not throw your belongings into a place that is inaccessible to the robber (like over a bridge or into a sewer). The assailant will only refocus their attention to you and will probably become even more pissed off!
- If an armed assailant asks for your car and you are outside of the vehicle, throw the keys as far as you can away from your escape route and run in the above mentioned way. If you are inside your car already and the carjacker jumps in and demands you to drive away, it is advised that you not go along with their demands (most law enforcement will agree). I would say in this situation there are two options which will increase your chance for survival. First, if you are physically able, get out of the car immediately, leaving it running for them to take. Second, if you cannot get out of the vehicle, wreck it into a nearby object. The attention you attract will cause the attacker to panic and possibly flee before observers begin to look towards the accident. The odds of being shot will decrease as the attacker will typically be more concerned with getting away then being observed in an act of murder.
There are simple methods to develop an acute ability to take in visual information. Here is a simple exercise that will increase your ability to scan a room or area quickly and take note of details in your surroundings. This exercise is taught to law enforcement and military personnel.
The first phase involves training your eyes to rapidly focus and identify your surroundings. Begin in a familiar area or room in your home. Shift your focus rapidly from one object to the next. Only look for a second or two until the object or person is in focus and then look in a new direction towards another object/person. Continue this speed scanning for as long as your eyes can tolerate it (at first this exercise will probably give you a headache). With practice, your ability to notice an object, identify it and move on will increase considerably. Practice in a fairly stationary position at first, then walking around slowly. Eventually you will become accustomed to quick scanning and will be able to take in visual stimuli at an accelerated rate.
The next phase is to repeat the above exercise but in a familiar public territory. A restaurant, bar or any public place which you frequent will work. Quick scan the area. What do you notice? Are there people around you? What are their facial expressions? With time and practice, your peripheral vision will become incorporated into your quick scanning ability. Eventually, you will be able to walk into a room and within a few seconds know pertinent information in the immediate environment. Where are the exits? Does anyone seem uncomfortably rowdy? Where are the security personnel (if any)? Avoid sitting with your back to a room. Note all exits and position yourself so that you have a maximized view of the entire room.
There are infinite ways in which a criminal may attempt to set up an intended victim. Some are more creative than others. Typically their set up is initiated with verbal communication. A question is asked to distract the victim for a moment, while the criminal (or criminals) gauge the situation. The simplest thing to do is avoid engaging in their conversation. I once had a stranger whom I had seen harassing others in the area approach me and ask what time it was. Without taking my eyes off him, or speaking a word, I turned my wrist watch toward him so that HE would have to look at it to see the time. He walked away.
Common sense is often overshadowed by fear in life threatening situations. Our natural fight/flight response raises our adrenaline level and negates rational thinking. Stupidity can lead to victimization. As Satanists, it is assumed that the maxim “When walking in open territory, bother no one.” is understood. Criminals need very little instigation to engage in conflict. “Do not give opinions unless asked.” is a crucial statement when avoiding conflict, especially where strangers are concerned. Keeping our mouths shut and our eyes open will greatly reduce the chance of wandering into unwanted aggression.
Our home is our castle. How safe is yours? Even in areas of the country where the crime rates are extremely low, it is smart to have a game plan prearranged for the possibility of a break in or home invasion. Planned escape routes are essential to maximizing your survival during a home invasion. If you are a gun owner, it is wise to store your gun where you will have access to it if awakened suddenly. Practice will prepare you for the real thing. Run through a mock simulation as if someone were breaking into the various doors at your residence and find the best course of action. Practice getting all family members to a safe location with all necessary items to dissuade intruders, i.e. firearm (if applicable), cell phone, etc.
Get out of the house if it’s safe to do so. If you cannot leave, secure yourself and family members. Call 911 immediately to report the invasion. Tell the operator if you are armed so the police will know the situation before arriving. It is safe to assume that unless you have hidden passageways that are difficult to find, and you can covertly access them, you will not be able to hide from an invader who is searching the home for valuables. Hiding under a bed or in a closet puts you in a disadvantaged position. Statistically it is better to announce your presence if an intruder is trying to enter the room you are in. More than likely they will once again panic and possibly leave in an attempt to escape arrest or an armed homeowner. If you hear them approaching the door to the room you are in say loudly and with authority, “The police are on their way! I am armed! Get out!” Position yourself away from the direct path of the doorway incase the intruder is armed and decides to fire through the door at you. Depending on the laws in your region, you may have the right (if armed) to shot an intruder who has entered your home. Always know your local laws concerning intruders and your right to protect yourself. Responsibility to the responsible.
With any criminal offense that you are victim to or witness of, it is imperative you notify police. A strong police presence is important to maintaining order. If police are notified often enough they will step up patrols in areas with greater numbers of complaints. We Satanists are part of the social contract and have a due responsibility to assist in the cessation of criminal activity.
Do not try to be a hero in simple situations of robbery. We have but this one life and to risk losing it is completely opposite of Satanic values. All material possessions are either replaceable or not worth dying over. Credit cards can be cancelled. Keep in mind that a criminal who acquires your wallet or purse usually takes what is valuable and discards the rest. Contrary to Hollywood depictions and television crime drama, it is highly unlikely that a robber who does get away with your identification will try to find you again. The possibility of you recognizing them makes you a risky target.
Future articles will deal specifically with methods of self-defense. Until next time,
Warlock Tengu