autumn superstitions

2 posts

Friday the 13th


Today is the final “Friday the 13th” of 2020. As keen observers of those around us, we Satanists have long enjoyed the consternation this number conjures amongst the superstitious. On the occasion of this “dreaded day” we bring to mind that Satanism advocates rational approaches towards how we interact with the world in which we live, and that our philosophy supports science over faith towards guiding our decisions and actions. In this time of ongoing global fear, privation, and irrational behavior regarding what is being called a “second wave” of the pandemic caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, […]

Speak of the Devil: Autumn   Monday, October 23rd / 8pm MST Speak of the Devil – Reverend Campbell discusses Autumn. From harvesting your garden and hikes in the fall leaves, to Halloween and everything in between! Let’s celebrate autumn together and talk about our history, superstitions and favorite rituals of the season. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Hail Satan! —Reverend Campbell (Source: