Covington Hall’s Satanic Lumberjacks & Southron Rebels

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Satanic Lumberjacks & Southron Rebels

Covington Hall’s Satanic Lumberjacks & Southron Rebels

Covington Hall’s Satanic Lumberjacks & Southron Rebels: Bombastic & Blasphemic Poetry from a Forgotten Labor Movement Edited and Introduced by Kevin I. Slaughter 5.5 x 8.5″, saddle-stiched STAND ALONE SA1113 Available from Underworld Amusements This collection of poetry is culled from the three labor journals that Redbeard-inspired Wobbly activist Covington Hall edited from 1913 to 1916: The Lumberjack, The Voice of the People, and Rebellion. Hall was known as one of the top poets of the labor movement in the Progressive Era, and he was an writer and teacher for many decades until his death in 1951. Being a member […]