
4 posts

Draconis Blackthorne presents: Shadow Gallery Calendar LX


“You travel along Route 666, where many strange & wonderful things can be seen once your eyes accustom to the darkness herein. The Devil’s pikestaff road sign emerges up from Hell, directing you to your next destination throughout the Four corners of The Black Earth. Make your choice. Fantasy & reality are blurred in these shadowy dimensions, where the nightmares of your mind project onto reality, creating a world of invigorating terror! No turning back!” —Reverend Draconis Blackthorne Features Satanic Serenades, Shadow Gallery, Full & Black Moons, Eclipses, Nefarious Nativities, Diabolical Dates. “If one can pull aside the curtain of […]

The Devil's Mischief Halloween 2022

The Devil’s Mischief #671

Happy Halloween! Hear a choice selection of Halloween comedy and novelty from EDDIE MURPHY, LEWIS BLACK, SCREAMIN’ JAY HAWKINS, THE DEAD BEAT JACKS, and more! Stream The Devil’s Mischief #671 Download The Devil’s Mischief #671

William Mortensen "Obsession" 1928 photograph

“APPARITIONS”—Specters, Conjures and The Paranormal

Presented by the BUCKLAND MUSEUM OF WITCHCRAFT AND MAGICK and STEPHEN ROMANO gallery. Featuring William Hope + William Mortensen + Kenyon Cox + Richard Boursnell + Falconer Brothers + John Myers + Jack Edwards + Romeyn de Hooghe + Jacques Callot + Fritz Gareis + John Everard + Dolorosa De La Cruz + Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos + Nahw Yg + Attributed to Johann Georg Gichtel + Daniel Gonçalves + Alexis Karl + Barry William Hale + Kim Bo Yung + Darcilio Lima + Eugène le Poitevin + Josh Stebbins + Wolfgang Grasse + Karl Koh + Shannon Taggart + Sir […]