
2 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Hobby Lobby & ISIS Sitting in a Tree… Theists wanting to control what those around them may do is not a new thing, nor does any religion have an monopoly on that behavior. Openly call it Sharia or thinly veil it as Religious Freedom, the motivation and goal is the same—using whatever power you have at your disposal to force those around you to comply with your religion’s beliefs. One need look no further than at the bloody history of Christianity’s fractious denominations or at the replies we receive on Twitter to know that—if they thought they could get away with it—directing violence at people not […]

Trolling Terrorists!

The advent of social media, and its penchant for bringing out the worst in everyone, can only lead to the inevitable “trolling” of terrorist organizations like ISIS. Terrorists posting their musings on Twitter only reveal them to be the same attention-seeking narcissists as is most everyone else on the planet. “Aamir, I don’t understand. I posted photos of dead soldiers with a warning that infidels will perish under the might of Allah, and @creepyface6969 sent me a blasphemous drawing of Muhammad in a sun dress and told me to ‘get EBOLA & die, camel fucker!’ Why are they not scared […]