magister kevin i. slaughter

16 posts

Now Available: Might Is Right: The Rebel Poetry of Covington Hall and His Satanic Lumberjacks

Might Is Right: The Rebel Poetry of Covington Hall and His Satanic Lumberjacks, Bombastic & Blasphemic Poetry from a Forgotten Labor Movement Edited and Introduced by Kevin I. Slaughter. Revised and Expanded Second Edition. Available from Underworld Amusements: Hail to the first of rebels! To the chieftain, strong and brave, Who sounded first the bugle-call of freedom to the slave! Who never yet has faltered through time’s long and dreary flight— Lucifer, the Morning Star, the splendid and the bright! This collection of poetry is largely culled from the three labor journals that Redbeard-inspired Wobbly activist Covington Hall edited […]

Zann’s Reprise by Magus Peter H. Gilmore Final Reprint

The final printing of Magus Gilmore’s short story is here. Bringing to the total number of copies to 666, never to be reprinted in this form. A booklet edition of the short story by Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan. This story is a sequel in homage to “The Music of Erich Zann” by H. P. Lovecraft. It is recommended that you read it before this for the full impact.Featuring cover art by Andy Howl and typeset/designed by Kevin I. Slaughter. “I’ve been a fan of the works of H.P. Lovecraft since I began reading his tales […]

The Radical Book Shop of Chicago by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter Now Available

Today marks the release of a book of Satanic history, that of rebels who have been forgotten. Magister Kevin I. Slaughter has authored his first book, history of The Radical Book Shop of Chicago, a forgotten hub of anarchist, unionist, socialist, and communist literature. From its humble beginnings in 1914, this bookstore inspired revolutionaries and welcomed poets, novelists, roughnecks, and even would-be assassins around its iron stove. Despite police and political harassment, for over a decade the Radical Book Shop remained a beloved destination for rebels and intellectuals alike. Howard and Lillian H. Udell founded this “shoebox-sized” bookstore out of desperation […]

Stand Alone: The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres | Three Volumes

In 1936 Benjamin DeCasseres took it upon himself to try to publish as much of his own work as he could. He paid for the printing himself through “Blackstone Publishers.” In the following three years he published 23 booklets resulting in over 1,200 pages of material. These booklets were bound into three volumes and released as The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres in a limited edition. This trilogy is being released as three issues of the Stand Alone journal project. This is a facsimile edition, with continuous folios and tables of contents added. Available from: Underworld Amusements Volume One 1. Exhibitionism: A New Theory of Evolution (1936) 2. The […]

Der Geist Issue 4 Now Available / Union of Egoists 5th Anniversary

The Union of Egoists website went live early 2016 but officially announced April 1st of that year. The entire chat of February 2nd, 2016 between Trevor Blake and myself that crystalized the idea was printed at the end of Der Geist Issue 1, and titled “A Unique Conversation”, published in the following year. Der Geist issue 4 is now available! That creates a total of 724 pages of egoism from 1845 to 1945, with “lost” works reprinted, new translations every issue, rare photos and images, and new research and writing. Available from: Underworld Amusements | | Amazon.UK | Barnes & Noble In this issue, a previously undiscovered […]

Announcing “Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945,” Issue 3!

The newest issue of Der Geist, the journal of historical Egoism, is here. Rare and unpublished works from the first century of egoism-the philosophy of Max Stirner. from: Underworld Amusements or from US | MX | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT This issue of Der Geist includes rare reprints of egoist history. These include blow-by-blow accounts of Dora Marsden in her street-fighting phase, lost transcriptions of J. William Lloyd saved from the darkness by individualist feminist Wendy McElroy, the philosophical and physical wanderings of the laughing philosopher Malfew Seklew, and more. This issue of Der Geist also includes original inquiries into egoist history. These include a history of the Radical Book Shop of Chicago, and the […]

My Book Cult Episode One – This Ugly Civilization

Magister Kevin I. Slaughter and Reverend Raul Antony present the first episode of the #MyBookCult podcast discussing This Ugly Civilization. This audio version is available free to the public, while the full video is available for cultists who join our Patreon at $6.66 or more. #mybookcult | Month One | Episode One – Audio Only | This Ugly Civilization About This Ugly Civilization: There are three basic themes in Ralph Borsodi’s This Ugly Civilization: a critique of modern industrial civilization, achieving personal economic independence, and maximizing individual potential. Borsodi advocates a lifestyle of self-reliance and decentralized power, and outlines how it […]

Magus Peter H. Gilmore: Zann’s Reprise

Underworld Amusements is proud to announce a limited booklet edition of Magus Gilmore’s short story “Zann’s Reprise“, released in honor of his birthday on May 24th, 2019. 66 copies have been signed and numbered by Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan. Featuring cover art by Andy Howl and typeset/designed by Kevin I. Slaughter. Available exclusively from Underworld Amusements. From the original release notes: “I’ve been a fan of the works of H.P. Lovecraft since I began reading his tales at about age 10. Being a composer, naturally I was captivated by The Music of Erich Zann […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Union of Egoists on Patreon  Union of Egoists is a Historical, Biographical and Bibliographical website focused on Egoism as a philosophical movement explicitly beginning with Max Stirner. Click here to support the project on Patreon and access exclusive content include podcasts, book previews, commentary, and more. Companions, the creator seeketh, not corpses—and not herds or believers either. Fellow-creators the creator seeketh— The project is primarily run and edited by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter and Trevor Blake and with the assistance of a few volunteers from time to time. The scope of the project has become larger than expected, and there […]