magus peter h. gilmore

178 posts

Scott Cummings: Realm of Satan (2024)

REALM OF SATAN: Filmfest München

Scott Cummings’ film, REALM OF SATAN, has its German premiere in the CineREBELS section of Filmfest München: WED, 03. JULY – 10:00 PM (82 min)—CINEMA FILMTHEATER After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings THU, 04. JULY – 6:00 PM (82 min)—CITY 3 After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings SAT, 06. JULY – 9:00 PM (82 min)—CITY 3 After the film: Q&A with director Scott Cummings For more details, follow this link

Magus Gilmore in caprine guise, from Scott Cummings' REALM OF SATAN.

Getting My Kicks in Year 66!

Today I reach my double-six birth anniversary—the 24th of May in common era year 2024—and I mark several significant personal milestones in this current calendar year. As I’d mentioned in my Walpurgisnacht message, two close friends of many decades, both Church of Satan Magisters, finally had to leave the party of life. And, before their passing, another dear friend of mine, the great musicologist Benjamin-Gunnar Cohrs, succumbed to chronic heart issues. He is famous for being part of the SPCM team which worked diligently to complete the finale of the Bruckner 9th Symphony via deep analysis of the copious manuscript […]

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #061 – The Myth of the “Satanic Community”

There is no “Satanic community”. Learn what Satanists mean by this. Also, Bill answers some listener mail about artificial human companions, doctrines of superiority, and an anecdote about one Satanist’s conspiracy theorist co-worker.

Satansplain with Magister Bill M.

Satansplain #053 – Let’s You And Him Fight!

“Let’s you and him fight!” cry the onlookers who’d like to see Satanists spar with Christians for their public entertainment. Let’s not. Also: the Satanic calendar year, I-Theism, and a surprising email from Nigeria.

Church of Satan wishes you a Happy New Year!

To a Discerning New Year!

Tomorrow begins year LIX, Anno Satanas. For the new year, we of the Church of Satan have something fine to celebrate. Director Scott Cummings, of BUFFALO JUGGALOS fame, approached us before the pandemic struck with the concept of doing an artistic portrait of the contemporary Church of Satan. Not a didactic documentary, rather it is an effort to visually present our vital members engaging in their passions and their arts, woven together with the ritual traditions established by our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey. Cummings filmed over the course of several years, criss-crossing the USA, and also shooting in Canada and […]

Zann’s Reprise by Magus Peter H. Gilmore Final Reprint

The final printing of Magus Gilmore’s short story is here. Bringing to the total number of copies to 666, never to be reprinted in this form. A booklet edition of the short story by Peter H. Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan. This story is a sequel in homage to “The Music of Erich Zann” by H. P. Lovecraft. It is recommended that you read it before this for the full impact.Featuring cover art by Andy Howl and typeset/designed by Kevin I. Slaughter. “I’ve been a fan of the works of H.P. Lovecraft since I began reading his tales […]

Daffodils in The Black House garden.

Eggscellent Day!

Today, Christians celebrate their myth of a savior risen from the dead. Some neo-pagans esteem the relatively obscure female deity, Ēostre. Satanists note that traditions for this day stem from ancient seasonal celebrations which tend to include symbolism of the Spring rising of dormant vegetation, and thus “rebirth” and “resurrection.” There is certainly much beauty in the early flowers emerging here in the Haunted Hudson Valley, witness the daffodils from our garden here at The Black House. Since we are free of any holiday obligations, we might choose to ignore this date altogether. Yet, we diabolists may also enjoy whatever […]

The Devils Reign V: Tyrants. Open for submissions.


DEVILS REIGN V: TYRANTS – NOW ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS HOWL Books is now accepting online submissions for the fifth book in The Devils Reign art book series, TYRANTS. The new hardcover art book focuses on images depicting male villains, both fictional and non-fictional. Art submissions are open to the public and guidelines for submissions are posted on the HOWL Books website. The Devils Reign art book series is curated by Church of Satan High Priest, Peter H. Gilmore and produced by tattoo artist Andy Howl. This new volume features a foreword by heavy metal vocalist David Ingram of the UK band […]

The Demented1: Rebels Without Cause

The Demented1: Rebels Without Cause

Join Warlock Robert Leuthold and myself as we discuss Magus Peter H. Gilmore’s essay titled “Rebels Without Cause.” Spotify / Apple Podcast