Social media

4 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The Church of Satan has one hell of a social media team   The Church of Satan has a fascinating social media presence on Twitter, with razor-sharp wit and unexpected social commentary. Author: Tristan Greene

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The Ringer: How the Church of Satan Mastered Twitter The Church of Satan Twitter admins talk to Rob Harvilla at The Ringer and discuss using the social network to address misconceptions, exposing political biases, and how to be “good at Twitter” while having a good time. Magus Peter H. Gilmore reveals the story behind the Church of Satan’s 666 PO box and we ponder the future of America.

The Black Flame article - “You Are Not The Sum of Those That Follow You” or “Social Media is Not Satanic” by Reverend Campbell

“You Are Not The Sum of Those That Follow You” or “Social Media is Not Satanic”

an article & video for The Black Flame—August, LI A.S.  In the early and mid 1960’s, Elvis Presley was surrounded by his most trusted & loved friends, family and fans. Hype men and women had led him to believe that he was the most popular star in the world. It wasn’t until Elvis began filming his ‘68 Comeback Special that he was served the cold hard truth. He had fallen into obscurity and no one really cared about his music. He walked down the street with nary a second glance from the other street dwellers. He had inadvertently surrounded himself […]

Trolling Terrorists!

The advent of social media, and its penchant for bringing out the worst in everyone, can only lead to the inevitable “trolling” of terrorist organizations like ISIS. Terrorists posting their musings on Twitter only reveal them to be the same attention-seeking narcissists as is most everyone else on the planet. “Aamir, I don’t understand. I posted photos of dead soldiers with a warning that infidels will perish under the might of Allah, and @creepyface6969 sent me a blasphemous drawing of Muhammad in a sun dress and told me to ‘get EBOLA & die, camel fucker!’ Why are they not scared […]