Tomorrow begins year LVII, Anno Satanas. Perspective is a crucial tool for all of we sorcerers. We must accurately judge our own abilities, then cultivate these talents, so that we may engage the world with what we produce from our mind’s forge, fired by the Black Flame within us. Our creations are at first judged along side of, and by, our contemporaries, and that is but a transient evaluation. As the years pass, one’s handiworks might enter the realm of timelessness. They must then stand or fall amongst those icons wrought by the giants of the past, and those yet […]
2 posts
In celebration of my 63rd birth anniversary today, I’m posting a new article titled: “Bang Your Gong! A Guide to the Use of Gongs in Satanic Ritual.” This just past Walpurgisnacht—the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan and my 20th anniversary of becoming its High Priest—members and dear friends conspired to surprise me with an intimate gathering during which I was presented with a magnificent tam-tam, 40 inches in diameter. A sturdy and elegant stand as well as a collection of mallets accompanied this powerful instrument, which is a sheer delight to play. In my college years […]