The Black Flame Feature

13 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Satanists Aren’t Always Perfect by Satanist Alyssa Ross an article for The Black Flame—June, LI A.S. I’d like to reflect on a quote from Peter H. Gilmore found in his Satanic Scriptures. Essentially, it reads: “As Satanists, we strive for perfection, but sometimes fall into negative patterns.” This hits particularly close to home for me and has renewed my strength and confidence in myself. It takes strength to recognize when one is falling into negative patterns, and even more strength to pull oneself out of those negative patterns.  When one is on a course of self-destruction, it is up to […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTHOOD The Creation of the Church of Satan Playset — A Fisher Price Parody. by Warlock William J. Butleran article for The Black Flame—June, LI A.S. (Video) In my earliest memories toys have always held a special place in my heart. The designs appealed to me visually, themes and colors were alluring to my taste, taking possession of my interest wholeheartedly. They inspired a magical fascination in me. What was this sorcery and why was I so enthralled by its enchantment? I know, I know. It was a well constructed capitalist plot of companies that had researched and deployed their […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

What has Satanism Done for You?… by Warlock Robert Leutholdan article for The Black Flame—June, LI A.S. Detractors of legitimate Satanism like to pose this question quite frequently. This is seen usually in online forums or other ways of electronic communication, after it’s been seen that their “Devil Fandom” doesn’t fly. Satanism as codified by Anton LaVey, as well as the Church of Satan’s membership, only does what you allow it to do. Allow me to clarify this concept quite bluntly. And, though I am a Warlock, I do not claim to speak for my church’s administration or priesthood—only myself. […]

Rock Beats Scissors, Revolver Beats Shithead

Rock Beats Scissors, Revolver Beats ShitheadA brief introduction to armed home defense for a Satanic Witch. by Magister Kevin I. Slaughter a feature for The Black Flame — October, L A.S.  A dear friend recently moved into a new place that she felt is not as safe and secure as the one she’d left, there were far too many shitheads (street criminals) around to be comfortable. She asked me for a recommendation for a home defense gun. She doesn’t own a firearm and hasn’t shot guns in a while. She lives in a “freedom friendly” state, so there is no […]