Speak of the Devil – Reverend Campbell Interviews Magister Nemo & Warlock A.W. Storm Anderson This is a pre-recorded audio interview for Saturnalia, LI A.S. Reverend Campbell asks Magister Nemo to pull back the curtains and share some personal thoughts and life experiences with the audience. They discuss personal identity, self defense, some of Magister Nemo’s projects including his book The Fire From Within, Nemo on Satanism, Volume One, Temple of the Vampire and much more!You can learn more about The Fire from Within from the website bridgestotruth.com and Temple of the Vampire from their website found here: templeofthevampire.com. https://youtu.be/rzLSHgmqojw Monday, […]
Warlock Storm Anderson
What Does Satanic Parenting Mean To You? Hosted by Warlock Milton C. Cruver of The Church of Satan Special Thanks to High Priestess Peggy Nadramia, Priestess Josephine Seven, Priestess Marilyn Mansfield, Witch Troj Bruegel, Witch Renee Anderson, Witch Erin Latta, Reverend Nathan Gray, Reverend Zoth Ommog, Warlock Storm Anderson, Satanists Blake Turner, Jason Fifer and Satanic Parents Mel Breau & Ryan Vanderveen! Also a very special thanks to Josh Latta of Lattaland for allowing us to announce his pregnancy! Congratulations Josh and Erin! Hear more about the Satanic Perspective on Parenting at The Raising Hell Podcast. —Warlock Milton C. Cruver […]
Raising Hell: Ep. XXVII – May 11th, 2016 – Politics and Parenting! RAISING HELL – Aspirations of World Domination w/ Satanic Parents Witch and Warlock Renee & Storm Anderson! 1 Official Positions, Personal Ambition and Infernal Politicking 2 Satanic Story Time – The Kingdom of the Spider To view the amazing ink, art and other endeavors that the Andersons bring to life, check out their website at Art On You Studios! For more amazing presentations and stories of infernalia oriented machinations, check out Satanic Story Time on Radio Free Satan! *Special thanks to Ryan Vanderveen for submitting a magnificent new Raising Hell intro * Available on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube, and Facebook! —Warlock Milton C. Raising […]