Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

2 posts

Fred Phelps: One Bigot Passes

Phelps was known for the “God Hates Fags” slogan often deployed in various obnoxious intrusions into the lives of others who had no interest in his opinions nor those of his supporters. Within the media coverage of his crass shenanigans, I find it interesting to note that his church is called “extremist” for such behavior when in fact its adherents were taking actual passages from Christian scriptures and applying them quite literally. While many Christian churches have toned-down the bloodthirsty behavior since their medieval heydays, we secularists should not forget that the advocacy of bigotry, intolerance and murder are part […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Exquisite Equinox!

The seasonal pivot point occurs today. Most Satanists mark that change since we feel at one with the Earth and its cycles. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring will burst forth, overcoming the Winter’s desolation as renewed life surges in triumphant burgeoning. In the Southern Hemisphere, the glory of Autumn shall soon cast its soothing spell after the fiery blasts of Summer, presaging the coming harvest with all of its fertile abundance. We celebrate Nature as we are part of its boundless mysteries. Hail Satan! Magus Peter H. Gilmore