Daily Archives: August 24, 2014

2 posts

HPV—Kill It Before It Kills Your Kids!

HPV, the human papilloma virus causes cancer—and nearly everyone who has had a sexual encounter in his or her lives has been exposed. 14 million new infections occur every year in the U.S. alone that could cause cancer of the cervix, penis, anus and throat. Except for HIV, HPV is the most fatal STD (sexually transmitted disease). That’s the truth, plain and simple. But because millions of parents fear it’ll be a gateway for their adolescent children to begin having sex, they’re refusing to have them vaccinated against this dangerously rampant virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in […]

Comedy 3.0

In the USA, there is much brouhaha concerning a federal grant for over $700,000 toward the development of computer software that writes jokes. The fundamental mechanics of humor are exploited by both pioneering comedians and the hacks who haunt what LaVey called “the dismal world of comedy clubs.” (“‘T’ Ain’t Funny, McGee,” Satan Speaks!) Yet consistently successful humor is the still-elusive holy grail of artificial intelligence, which grows ever closer to replacing the most productive aspects of your average human. By automating not only human tasks, but personalities, we can highlight and more freely enjoy the truly unique elements of […]