Daily Archives: October 1, 2018

4 posts

Speak of the Devil presents The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S.

Speak of the Devil presents The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S. Nominations

Now Accepting Nominations for The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S. Submit Your Nominee(s) now! In collaboration with Magister Dr. Robert Johnson of The Satanic Warlock, Speak of the Devil presents The Satanic Warlock of the Year LIII A.S. Award. This coming Devil’s Night, Speak of the Devil will present this honor to a Satanic Warlock among us. This is a title that will be granted by your peers in the honored tradition of an infernal mutual admiration society. There can be no greater award than the self satisfaction a Satanic Warlock earns from meeting and achieving his goals, […]

Speak of the Devil presents An Enlightened Perspective Episode 3

Speak of the Devil presents An Enlightened Perspective – Episode 003

An Enlightened Perspective Episode 003 Speak of the Devil presents An Enlightened Perspective. Citizen Patrick DeMarco is joined by Reverend Campbell to present and discuss the topics that need a little perspective. We will talk about Trump’s Kavanaugh nomination, Bill Cosby’s sentencing, rape culture and it’s impact on our current political #MeToo climate. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Become a patron of Speak of the Devil! Hail Satan! – Reverend Campbell

Infernal Ink Magazine Fall/Winter 2018

Infernal Ink Magazine

Infernal Ink Magazine is a biannual magazine focused on publishing extremely dark, sexually charged fiction and poetry. In addition to their violently erotic fictional offerings, they have interviews and other non-fiction content that explore and expose the reader to artists and acts of a diabolically sinful nature. This magazine is not for the faint of heart or prudish. Print / Kindle

Vox Satanae


Vox Satanae – Episode 409 – 165 Minutes – Week of October 01 2018 This week we hear works by Francisco Correa de Arauxo, Jean-Baptiste de Lully, André Campra, Andreas Romberg, Karl Goldmark, Samuel Barber, and Michel van der Aa with performances by Francesco Cera, THe Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, Terje Tønnesen, Jaël Azzaretti, Paul Agnew, Bruno Renhold, Nicolas Rivenq, Arnaud Marzorati, Andrew Foster-Williams, Les Arts Florissants Chorus and Orchestra, William Christie, Vladislav Brunner, Viktor Šimčisko, Milan Telecký, Ján Cút, Juraj Alexander, The Fourth Dimension String Quartet, Joshua Bell, The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, David Zinman, Christianne Stotijn, The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, […]