Church of Satan News

Hail Gluttony!

Today in the U.S. many will celebrate the secular holiday called “Thanksgiving.” Now that the pandemic has been somewhat tamed due to ubiquitous vaccinations and continued care taken during social interaction, some traditions that had been dismissed last year are now being revived—to a limited extent. Thanksgiving originated as a harvest festival, and the pervasive imagery has been inspired by legends about Calvinist separatist Pilgrims who emigrated in 1620 from The Netherlands to the “New World.” These staunchly Christian folks supposedly included, now and again, select nearby indigenous pagans in their festivities. 

However, the interactions between the European immigrants and the Native Americans were often quite negative. Various virulent pathogens were unknowingly brought to North America which, in many situations, devastated the local populaces. That horrific historic happening now holds much more resonance for all of us who have been subject to the consequences of the current plague. This article about the Plymouth Colony covers many important historical details which should be better known.

Thanksgiving evolved into an occasion for gathering with family and friends—oft times with travel involved—and extravagant feasting. Being Satanists, we naturally support participation in sumptuous banquets, even if they presently must still be reined in somewhat by necessity. It seems that travel this year will again be on the agenda—plenty of people feel it can again be done safely, for all involved. As always, we are guided by our principle of “indulgence, not compulsion,” and, as responsible citizens, we are mindful for the health and safety of ourselves and those around us, whether we stay at home or sally forth for visitations. It is sensible to consider, in this hyper-partisan age, forgoing political discussions when gathered with diverse family and friends, so as to be assured of keeping the experience congenial, supportive, and considerate.

Satanists may still seize this day to celebrate our prosperity, our joy in existing, our precious liberty, and many will also include their continued personal survival of this fearsome biological and social crisis. We usually make this a time to thank ourselves for boldly mastering our lives to the best of our abilities, sharing our vital existence with those whom we cherish. Now that socializing is rebounding, giving thanks to those who braved possible contagion to perform essential jobs, thus keeping our society from collapsing, is justly deserved. Too many of those courageous individuals suffered for performing such important duties, and some died. Their sacrifices should neither be neglected nor forgotten as we again head towards engaging in behaviors previously taken for granted. 

May those of you who choose to celebrate—in whatever manner suits your situations—enjoy a healthy, thoughtful, thankful, as well as selectively indulgent, “Gluttony Day.”

—Magus Peter H. Gilmore

