Church of Satan News

Religious Freedom Day by Satanist Jacob Wilson

The First Amendment had set forth a standard to separate the church and state. The reason is out of respect of one another on any manner of belief or disbelief. Just because your religion may work for you, this is not so to all. I think Satanism is just about the only religion so far that acknowledges this because somehow, a religion cannot seem to exist without having followers – or so the world seems to think. It intrigues me how one person to make one’s own religion exist is not enough. I have no problem with other religions. Neither do I expect people to change in order to accommodate my own. In fact, I find relief to have a difference in opinion no matter how ridiculous I find another person’s view to be. How boring can life be when no other person can think of a different outlook on life?

Those that fear Satanism were raised that way. I find nothing personal from their convictions. Why should I? Especially when they are taught by their families to think a certain way and to follow it? The town I live in knows who I am. They know what I am. I openly wear my sigil with the lightning bolt striking through, shining in the sun for all to see, yet none are surprised. I made it this way. I am still welcomed and have Christian friends. This is an accomplishment on my part because I have worked to where I can be comfortable without any reprehensible outcomes. The ladies enjoy my presence and come to me when they need comfort. The men ask for guidance for magic, ritual, and relationships. I am not a danger to children, if fact I am asked to visit the children because the parents ask. I am the man people come to and only made it to my 30’s after discovery of what I am at 18. I served for 3 years in the U.S. Army, raised my rank to Specialist and gained respect from officers and noncommissioned officers alike. I have had my bumps and my bruises mentally and emotionally so I am not saying I am immortal, hell I am only a man. But it takes a man with strong character to be where I am at and it took me years to achieve this position in life.

Why am I telling you this? Because I am glad to celebrate the Religious Freedom Day on behalf of Satanism; the religion defined by Anton LaVey, that I grew into which made me the man I am today. Religious Freedom Day is a day to remind yourself who you are and what a difference you can make by the very nature of your being that ties you to the religion that resembles you. I take my glass and say “cheers!” to the Church of Satan, give my upmost thanks, and respect for their dedication to an organization that represents my carnal self. Hail Satan!
