Categories: Church of Satan News

Satanic Story Time presents Episode 25 – “Dead and Rotting Things” with special guests, M.R. Stover and Elizabeth Salome.

M.R. Stover
joins us to introduce his latest contribution for Satanic Story Time and the Satanic Players Society. Called “Dead and Rotting Things,” it involves conspiracy theories, incest, visceral violence, and EVIL! Join us as M.R. Stover and I comb over his latest writings and where you can purchase more of his material.

“The Devil’s Workshop”: The Satanic Players Society performs Stover’s “Dead and Rotting Things.” Joining us on the roster for voice acting are: Alec Arbour, Grigori T. Cross, Elizabeth Salome, Jessie, M.A. Mandrake, Erin Cassavaugh, and Evan Nihil.

Elizabeth Salome joins us for “The Devil is in the Details”. During the conclusion and summary of “Dead and Rotting Things”, we comb over the details of this episode’s story. Additionally, we delve into some interview questions and tell the listeners where you can find more of her accomplishments on the “Interweb”.

Additionally, special music and clips are brought to you by the following artists, DJs, and hosts: Nathan Gray, Danse deSade, Gyps Fulvus, Revolver 1010, 9Sense Podcast, and The Devil’s Mischief.
