
6 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Fine Day to Celebrate Carnality!  Whether you are aroused to conjure the ancient Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, or find inspiration via the traditional date to share tokens of romantic love with those who have aroused your passions, may you enjoy a lust-filled day—as well as a musk-filled night—with your exciting, eager partners, all you horny, life-loving devils! It is a fine occasion to responsibly partake of the sensual joys that nature offers for, indeed, we are all animals! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Fine Day to Celebrate Carnality! Whether you prefer to conjure the ancient Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, or find inspiration via the traditional date to share tokens of romantic love with those who have aroused your passions, may you enjoy a lust-filled day—as well as a musk-filled night—with your exciting, eager partners, you horny, life-loving devils! Relish the joys that nature offers for, after all, in truth we are all animals my Ladies and Lords!—Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Fine Day to Celebrate One’s Carnality! Whether you prefer to conjure aspects of the ancient Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, or find inspiration via the traditional date to share tokens of romantic love with those who have aroused your passions, may you have a lust-filled day (and musk-filled night) with your eager partners, you horny, life-loving devils! After all, we are all animals, my Ladies and Lords! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Paris, Proud Center of Abomination  A guest on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS show on CNN this morning, France’s ambassador to the U.S. Gérard Araud was asked by Zakaria to react to ISIS’s reasoning for targeting Paris as a center of prostitution, in essence Sodom and Gomorrah. Araud responded that “We are proud to be that.” He emphasized that a message needs to be sent that they are keeping the French sense of “joie de vivre” and stated: “We are a center of abomination for these guys and our intention is to remain such.” I offer a horned salute to this bold and earthy […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Fine Day to Celebrate Carnality! Whether you prefer to conjure the ancient Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, or find inspiration via the traditional date to share tokens of romantic love with those who have aroused your passions, may you have a lust-filled day (and musk-filled night) with your eager partners, you horny, life-loving devils! After all, we are all animals, my Ladies and Lords! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore