Coast Guard

9 posts

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast #046

On this #SinisterScuttlebutt episode of the official Infernal Legion podcast, a panel of Legionnaires discuss beards and religious exemptions in the military, Veteran Treatment Court, and the affect of felony convictions on a veteran’s compensation. On 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓, Magister Campbell talks about veterans doing business internationally and an obscure Constitutional law all veterans should be aware of. Stream Infernal Legion #046—Sinister Scuttlebutt. Download Infernal Legion #046—Sinister Scuttlebutt.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion #045 — Memorial Day

The Memorial Day episode of the Infernal Legion podcast is available now, on Radio Free Satan! Satanist Raul Atondo and Magister Adam Campbell join us on this special Memorial Day episode of the podcast. We discuss our plans for the holiday, honoring those who did not fall in combat, modern observances, and the homogenization of Memorial Day. As is our tradition, we close the show with the names of the fallen and 𝑻𝒂𝒑𝒔. Stream Infernal Legion #045—Memorial Day. Download Infernal Legion #045—Memorial Day.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast #044

On this #SinisterScuttlebutt episode, the hosts find themselves Duwayne-less. Citizen Campos saves the day by jumping in the third chair to discuss the WWII “Ghost Army” receiving the Congressional Gold Medal, and Citizen Tony joins in to give a first-hand account of the Army’s new neurological screening tool and the Army National Guard’s failure to pay over 13,000 enlistment bonuses. On The Tower, Magister Campbell talks conscientious objectors and the potential benefits of military conscription. Stream Infernal Legion Podcast #044. Download Infernal Legion Podcast #044.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast #042

On this episode of the Infernal Legion podcast, we discuss how the Army Values fit with Satanic philosophy, traitors in the ranks selling intelligence to foreign countries, and one Airman’s misguided attempt at becoming a martyr. On The Tower, Magister Campbell asks if size is really that big of a deal? Spoiler: It is when it comes to the Defense budget. Stream episode #042 / Download episode #042

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast #041

On the final #SinisterScuttlebutt episode of 2023, we discuss winter holidays, branch birthdays, mass officer promotions, an increase to family separation pay, and a Naval Reservist’s destruction of a statue followed by calls to outlaw Satanism. On THE TOWER, Magister Adam Campbell talks recruiting and retention of military spouses and increasing servicemember base pay. Stream Infernal Legion Podcast #041. Download Infernal Legion Podcast #041.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Veterans Day 2023

On this special episode of the Official Infernal Legion Podcast, the Officers and Legionnaires of the Infernal Legion celebrate Veterans Day and our six year anniversary! We discuss the history of Veterans Day, the phrase “Thank you for your service,” and the founding of the Legion. Featuring submissions from Magus Peter H. Gilmore, Magistra Templi Rex Blanche Barton, Magister Adam Campbell, Rev. Jimmy Psycho, and more! Stream the Infernal Legion podcast. Download the Infernal Legion podcast.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast #039

On this #SinisterScuttlebutt episode of the official Infernal Legion podcast, Warlock Rick Colemire and Satanist Raul Atondo join the show! We discuss the Marine Corps’ missing fighter jet, recent developments in the Bowe Bergdahl desertion case, and the sometimes tedious reality of war. On The Tower, Magister Adam Campbell talks about a new program by veteran gun store owners to combat veteran suicide, and we close out by discussing a rise in VA scams further complicated by a lack of qualified claims processors. Stream Infernal Legion Podcast #039. Download Infernal Legion Podcast #039.

The Infernal Legion Podcast on Radio Free Satan

Infernal Legion Podcast – Episode #037

On this #SinisterScuttlebutt episode we have a full house! Rev. Jeff Ivins and Warlock Rick Colemire join your hosts to discuss an empty time capsule unearthed at West Point, the Marine Corps. declaring war on Fox News, and yet another V.A. technical error. On The Tower, Magister Adam Campbell tackles growing dissension in the ranks of the IDF, and we all take a trip down memory lane as we recount various interactions with animals during our service and pay tribute to Navy veteran Bob Barker. Stream Infernal Legion Podcast Episode #037. Download Infernal Legion Podcast Episode #037.

Infernal Legion: Elite Among The Alien Elite

Infernal Legion Podcast: Episode 036

On the latest Sinister Scuttlebutt episode of the Infernal Legion podcast, Rev. Bowling and Rev. Burns discuss the recently identified remains of a WWII soldier 80 years after his death, a Coast Guard couple suing Louisiana over porn, a first-of-its-kind study on moral injuries in combat veterans, and dissect the recent activation of the IRR for Operation Atlantic Resolve. On “The Tower,” Magister Campbell takes on the idea of a “woke” U.S. military. Stream Infernal Legion Podcast Episode 036. Download Infernal Legion Podcast Episode 036. Hail Satan! Reverend Jeff Bowling Commander Infernal Legion