hr giger

2 posts

Chris Stein: Debbie Harry painted by H.R Giger (1980)

GalleryX Dublin presents “The Shamanic Eye”

GalleryX Dublin is pleased to present an exhibition of photography curated by Stephen Romano of Brooklyn NY entitled “The Shamanic Eye” opening November 30 and continuing through January 16, 2024. Featuring works by William Mortensen (1897-1965), alongside the photographic art of Chris Stein, Edward Colver, Courtney Brooke Hall, Cormac Figgis, Brittany Rose Luciani, Andres Serrano, Adam De Ville, Ken Weaver, Erik Bergrin and Alexis Palmer Karl. In this exhibition, whether intentionally or not, the artists are diviners and conduits who reveal a basic truth, that art has the power to transform the mundane into the evocative. In a testament to […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Trigger Warning: Exploring the Wasteland with Fine Artist V Holeček  V Holeček’s pencil drawings and acrylic paintings evoke an other-worldly realm that is earthy and engrossing. His darkly surreal landscapes are deliciously organic but filled with post-apocalyptic-dystopian wrecks and outsized bones and skulls littering the environment…He creates these arresting bastardisations of classic images, with targets including a portraiture of a Renaissance style angelic woman who is afflicted with a pig’s snout, trotters, and the absence of eyes (in Das Tierdrama). There is also George Washington with black anime-proportioned eyes and tentacles (in In His House at V’rnon, Dead Washingthulu Waits […]