james horner

3 posts

Exquisite Equinox!

Exquisite Equinox!

Hail to all you sagacious beings who celebrate the Earth’s successive seasons! Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall’s arrival brings cooler evenings, with the promise of bountiful harvests to come. The impending touch of frost should, ere long, ignite leaves to blaze with vivid colors. Those in the Southern Hemisphere rejoice in the triumph of Spring’s active growth over Winter’s dormancy. They may savor Nature as it rises from stasis, surging forth with renewed vigor. Satanists find it fulfilling to luxuriate in a vital, carnal existence, embracing the majestic cycles of our precious, fragile island in the abyss of space. […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Vox Satanae – Episode 247 – 109 Minutes – Week of 29 June 2015 This week we feature works by Wojciech Kilar, Lou Harrison, David Del Tredici, William Hibbard, Conrad Cummings, and James Horner with performances by Wojciech Kilar, The Symphony Orchestras of Poland and Katowice, Jan Krenz, The Kronos Quartet, David Del Tredici, Jon English, Charles West, Motter Forman, William Hibbard, Dora Ohrenstein, Larry Adams, Gregory Fulkerson, Daryl Goldberg, Andrew Sterman, Conrad Cummings, and James Horner. Only on Radio Free Satan!

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

In Memoriam James Horner (1953-2015) I first encountered composer James Horner’s work when I saw the theatrical release of Corman’s BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS. He impressed me with the skilled symphonic development of his fine thematic material and the savvy references to other composers of film and orchestral music that were woven into his score. I placed him on my radar as being a refreshing new voice in the tradition of Goldsmith, Williams and other masters, so that I could look for his coming scores that I suspected would elevate the films with which they were wed. He did not […]