
1 post

Spring Blossoms in the Garden of The Black House, 2024 c.e.

Exquisite Equinox!

Many Satanists celebrate today’s seasonal pivot point, feeling simpatico with our homeworld’s continuing seasonal cycles. In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring arrives, succeeding Winter’s stasis with verdant surging. In the Southern Hemisphere, Autumn soothes after the scorching Summer months. Here in the haunted Hudson Valley, Winter was mostly free of snow, though frigid temperatures held sway. At last, warmth is returning, though not without some final chilly nights. The bulbs have begun awakening, pushing their way into the sunlight, delighting us with early flowers—always such a joy for us when our garden revivifies!  Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 – 1943) was a tremendously […]