Speak of the Devil Presents Third Side Intelligence

2 posts

Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence - Toxic Masculinity

Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence – Toxic Masculinity

Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence. This month, Reverend Campbell is being joined by Aura DeWolfe and Aden Ardennes to discuss toxic masculinity. We will be joined as usual with an Enlightened Perspective from Citizen Patrick DeMarco and some thoughts from D.A. Marshall. Is toxic masculinity a reality? If so, is there toxic femininity? If gender identities are deeply held ideas, can behaving within the constraints of that identity ever be considered toxic? We will explore where the term comes from, what it is used for, and what it actually means. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe […]

Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence - Depression

Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence – Depression

Depression Speak of the Devil presents Third Side Intelligence. Reverend Campbell is being joined by Victor Wicked and Satanist Cameron John to discuss Depression. We will cover the statistical realities of depression, how a Satanist can see themselves as the highest embodiment of human life and suffer from depression as well as personal stories and coping mechanisms. Sign Up to the Email List Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Give a Rating & Review Become a patron of Speak of the Devil! Hail Satan! – Reverend Campbell