Are you seeking accurate information about Satanism? Satanism 101 features actual Satanists who will answer your questions. Episode 1 is now streaming, and Episode 2, “Is Abortion a Satanic Sacrament?,” will debut at Midnight, GMT, September 9, 2023. Your misconceptions shall be obliterated! Episode 1: Why Do You Worship the Devil? Episode 2: Is Abortion a Satanic Sacrament?
the satanic rituals
To celebrate this Walpurgisnacht, I am publishing the introduction I wrote for THE SATANIC RITUALS. A South American publisher of exquisite volumes is releasing authorized versions in Spanish of both THE SATANIC BIBLE and THE SATANIC RITUALS. Since it had none, I was asked to write an introduction to the latter book, and I completed it on January 13 in 2020. The Spanish translation of this essay—“The Rite Stuff”—will appear in the new release, which may only be for sale in specific South American nations. More information will be forthcoming when these books emerge. For now, you can read my […]
This year’s holiday marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan, and my 20th anniversary of becoming its High Priest. It has been my honor to guide this organization into the 21st Century, maintaining the unadulterated legacy of our founder, Anton Szandor LaVey, in a trajectory that both expands and enhances his vision for the world’s first carnal religion. My focus emphasizes the radical individualism that is the heart of Satanism. My method is to both cultivate and inspire our exemplary members to show the validity of our perspective via their own unique achievements. Our members […]
The Satanic Bible & The Satanic Rituals together in one hardcover volume! Beginning April 30, 2015, Rabid Crow Arts & Graphics is selling a new hardcover combined edition of Anton Szandor LaVey’s The Satanic Bible & The Satanic Rituals in celebration of the the anniversary of the founding of the Church of Satan. As the seminal texts for the religion of Satanism, LaVey’s classic works have been in continuous paperback publication for nearly half a century. For decades, the 1970s University Books hardback editions of these books have been out-of-print. When found, these are expensive collectors items costing hundreds of […]
The United States’ militia has assisted Yazidi refugees—a sect long reviled for misperceived “devil worship” by Muslims and Christians—to escape from Mount Sinjar where they fled persecution by the extremist Islamic State militants. Some still remain near their shrine at the summit. Magus Anton Szandor LaVey paid the Yazidis tribute with a meditative ritual based on their sacred texts published in his THE SATANIC RITUALS (1972) celebrating their peacock angel, Melek Taus. Religious persecution of those deemed to be devotees of The Devil by theists is quite active in the 21st century—some things never seem to change. —Magus Peter H. Gilmore