theist arrogance

2 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Paris, Proud Center of Abomination  A guest on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS show on CNN this morning, France’s ambassador to the U.S. Gérard Araud was asked by Zakaria to react to ISIS’s reasoning for targeting Paris as a center of prostitution, in essence Sodom and Gomorrah. Araud responded that “We are proud to be that.” He emphasized that a message needs to be sent that they are keeping the French sense of “joie de vivre” and stated: “We are a center of abomination for these guys and our intention is to remain such.” I offer a horned salute to this bold and earthy […]


Why is there an “invocation” in the first place? Why are our government officials “praying” to anything during our time, paid for by our tax dollars? That’s some unconstitutional horseshit, right there. Pray on your own time, if you really think prayer guides you. If you’re on my time, your ass better be doing something more akin to law-making than sitting on your knees asking Jeebus if he thinks the intersection of Main & Park needs a flashing red light or just a stop sign. —Magister David Harris