Categories: Church of Satan News


Understanding cancer and other biological programs

German publisher EDITION ESOTERICK PUBLISHING has released the English language edition of Lars Peter Kronlob’s “The NEW MEDICINE”, a true third-side perspective on modern medicine, with focus on what conventional medicine calls “cancer”.

The NEW MEDICINE acknowledges that man is an animal and a biological being. Its approach therefore is based on biological natural laws, which anyone can verify in any given case in his own life.

 “Contrary to the early human, whose way of living was more that of an animal, humans today have repressed to a great extent that in spite of outstanding technological progress they are still mammals. Although humans in western society have developed a certain amount of civilisation, we are nevertheless biological beings in the first place. Due to our intellectual development we have acquired the ability to think in abstract terms, which is why we can experience conflicts due to symbolical values and things, but we usually disregard the fact that our body is dealing with these conflicts on a biological level.”

Conventional medicine openly admits that it knows virtually nothing about “cancer”. After understanding The NEW MEDICINE you might find, that “cancer” is very different to what you have been told to believe and fear.

Satanists and other free-thinking atheists have questioned religious systems and discovered, that it is all about control and profit, based on lies being sold as truths, because they refused to believe what they were told and what Millions of people still believe.

This book suggests to do the same with conventional medicine.

Table of contents, description and ordering information

can be found on the website
