Daily Archives: June 4, 2016

2 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

No Honors In False Equality If everyone doesn’t get to wear a little white stole, no one can. Because hurt feelings and such. I wonder if they will still have any sort of class rankings in schools anymore.  “Whelp. Can’t have a valedictorian or salutatorian any more because the other students will feel bad because it’s not them."  It’s been many years since I graduated high school and I remember it being a big academic competition (amongst us nerds, at least). School administrators are really setting kids up for failure in the real world, and this is part of why […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Reverend Raul Antony Discusses Satanism & Exorcisms on Spuiten en Slikken (Dutch BNN) Filemon Wesselink talks to Reverend Raul Antony about the religion of Satanism, ritual magic, and the exploits of exorcist-for-hire Bob Larson. Interview with Reverend Antony begins at the 22:00 minute mark. The episode also includes an investigation of Bob Larson and a segment on the life of sex workers. http://www.npo.nl/spuiten-en-slikken-op-reis/28-08-2015/BNN_101374645