
3 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The Occult Technology of Power Audio Book Now Available  New for 2017: books on tape! 1980s media nostalgia + 70s conspiracy theory + current year misanthropy. Michaelanthony Mitchell reads The Occult Technology of Power The Initiation of the Son of a Finance Capitalist into the Arcane Secrets of Economic and Political Power Limited* numbered edition of 66 cassette tapes for $6.66. Casssette tape is a Yersinia Pestis + Underworld Amusements co-release. *Unlimited digital edition available through and iTunes This is the programme of the one percent! First surfacing in 1974 from underground sources, The Occult Technology of Power is […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

INDEPENDENT interviews REVEREND ASHLEY S. PALMER Reverend Ashley Palmer, founder of, clarifies misunderstandings while presenting the truth about Satanism and the Church of Satan.

Ello, Privacy, and Economics

What a tragedy: Ello, the”Facebook Killer,” is receiving VC funding and has a plan in place to monetize its users. (Or, as they say in the industry, “sell eyeballs”). How dare they offer a free service then profit from our demographic information? Why must venture capitalists stick their talons in our social networks? What ever happened to our PRIVACY!!! As both Karl Marx and Adam Smith will tell you, economics is everything. Buying the servers required to house a big social network costs money. Keeping them powered up, cooling them down, giving them the bandwidth necessary to handle requests without […]