
985 posts

Mask Slippage—Does Faith Entitle a Right to Discriminate?

The recent SCOTUS decision in support of the evangelical Christian owners of Hobby Lobby has prompted religious leaders to drop their pretense at being a force for general solace and succor, revealing their usually masked hostility towards any who do not agree with and practice their beliefs. On the surface, to some people the consequences seemed at first to be only a minor limiting factor, denying their female employees a few of what the business’s owners consider to be forms of “abortive contraception”—defined by their principles, not those of current law. Some argue that this corporation will support other forms […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


Today in the USA we celebrate the founding of what was intended to be a secular republic. When properly functioning, it serves as an ongoing experiment towards attaining a societal framework allowing individuals to determine their own destiny. This is achieved via a social contract offering equity under the law which, to a certain degree, promotes meritocracy while eschewing the mob rule of democracy.  We Satanists value freedom and justice, and so we are proud to salute the bedrock rational principles and those brave and wise people who embraced them to establish this nation. But freedom does require vigilance, not […]


Tim Elliott of the Sydney Morning Herald presents a lighthearted article recounting his Walpurgisnacht spent with several Church of Satan members near Brisbane, Australia.

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


Doing Greater Satanic MagicIn the Privacy of Your Own MindNEMO ON SATANISM (Part 3)An mp3 recorded audio program For many years Satanists have asked how to perform ritual magic when they lacked a suitable place with sufficient privacy to do so effectively. The purpose of this and the previous program is to enable you to merely close your eyes and in the privacy of your own mind enter into a private location of your own creation where you can do everything you could do in a physical ritual chamber and actually much, much more. There is a part of your […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet


From Trader Peg’s Voodoo Lounge here in The Black House, we offer our Solstice greetings to all in harmony with the Earth’s seasonal changes! In the Northern Hemisphere we experience the longest day of the year as sultry Summer begins. You folks in the Southern Hemisphere will enjoy the least amount of daylight hours as Winter begins its chilly reign.  Wherever you might be, it is always a delight to celebrate the glories of nature and the abundant pleasures that life offers! Here’s to a splendid new season filled with indulgence galore! —Magus Peter H. Gilmore


Host Brian Treybig speaks with our Reverend Corvis Nocturnum about Satanism, the paranormal, and his many projects including those in print, video and his upcoming speaking engagements.

Old-Time Whiskey Punch

High Priestess Nadramia and Magister Netherworld ( craft magical potions for your pleasure. They continue a practice begun by Dr. LaVey in the chapter “E.S.P.: Extra Sensual Projection” from his book The Satanic Witch. Satanists enjoy well-chosen and wisely moderated indulgences, so follow the Cocktail Vultures motto: “Always drink responsibly; always drink well.” Cheers! To life!