sex dolls

2 posts

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Metro UK: Church of Satan Believes Sex Robots Could Save Society  From the Metro newspaper in the UK: Yesterday, the Church of Satan started posting videos about sex robots online – but it wasn’t a bandwagon-jumping attempt to grab clicks. Oddly, the founder of the church of Satan, Anton Lavey, predicted sex robots more than two decades ago – and today’s Satanists still believe they could save us all. In Lavey’s ‘Five Point Plan’, drawn up in the Eighties, he recommended the use of ‘humanoids’ as an outlet for people’s darker impulses. The Church of Satan’s Magistra Blanche Barton wrote, […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Sex Dolls & Satanism: An Overview The following is Magus Peter H. Gilmore’s statement provided to Rob Waugh of the Metro UK in preparation for his piece on the connection between The Church of Satan and the sex doll trend: Greetings: Anton LaVey promoted the idea of “artificial human companions” as a means for people to exercise sexual or other drives with a device that might gratify their fantasies without having to involve other human beings. This would permit complete control over the details of the fantasy. Of course, the ability to find porn that addresses numerous fetishes so easily […]