Church of Satan News

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Welcome to the official Church of Satan News Feed. This news feed contains important announcements and links concerning the Church of Satan and its membership worldwide.



Embrace the Thirteenth

Satanists enjoy mocking superstitions, so we delight in this third “Friday the Thirteenth” of 2012. Watch the frightened tremble while we celebrate with joy! Magus Peter H. Gilmore

Farewell, Ernest Borgnine

One of the last of the great character actors passed away yesterday. Borgnine had a very long and varied career and often played roles portraying men who resorted to violence and brutality in the pursuit of their goals. THE WILD BUNCH and EMPEROR OF THE NORTH are two of my favorites. He will always be dear to Satanists for his role as Corbis in THE DEVIL’S RAIN, wherein he played a Satanic High Priest in this film for which Dr. LaVey served as an advisor. Dr. LaVey spoke to me warmly of his time in Durango with Borgnine for that […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

A Horned Salute on Independence Day!

Satanism IS Americanism To sum up our political doctrine: Satanism IS Americanism in its purest form, with only the outdated moral codes altered to fit the times, and with recognition of the fact that only if man’s most basic instincts are satisfied can a nation receive his best. When it becomes common knowledge that we do not advocate or even approve of denial or desecration of such sacred American traditions as home, family, patriotism, personal pride, etc., but instead champion these things, our one-time opponents in “The Establishment” will not have a leg to stand on. Actually, in view of […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Black: A Novel by Mae Sekhmet “A cauldron of Satanic misconceptions in Toronto’s Historic Distillery District threatens to boil and overwhelm a vulnerable young woman on her lurid journey of self-discovery as she is caught in a web of fate between the man she loves and the deadly venom they will endure…”

Dinner with the High Priest

Christian columnist James A. Beverly recounts his meeting with Magus Peter H. Gilmore in the May/June 2012 edition of Canadian publication FAITH TODAY. The RELIGIONWATCH article can be read here:

Hate Crime Against Satanists?

This morning I was made aware of an event which happened in Mountain View, Colorado. A couple who are open to the public about their affiliation with the Church of Satan have chosen to decorate the exterior of their home with items most others might use for a kitschy, Halloween-themed effect. They had included a “Vote Satan” sign, likely as an expression of their reaction to local politics. One can read about the details and view a video interview with the couple here: As a general principle, I think the idea of “hate crimes” brings an aspect of nebulousness […]

Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

The new episode of Adam Campbell’s 9sense features an interview with our High Priestess Magistra Peggy Nadramia and Magister Joe Netherworld discussing their Cocktail Vultures venture, wherein you will hear some of the behind-the-shaker tales about the origin of the Call of Cthulhu cocktail as well as the infamous Vodka Blush.  Essential listening for those whose indulgences include imbibing rarified concoctions comprised of essential spirits!