Church of Satan Sigil of Baphomet

Born in Sin: A Response to the Interest in Satanic Daycares

Warlock Milton C. Cruver, host of the Raising Hell Podcast on Satanic parenting, addresses the interest in “satanic” daycares and why such a concept conflicts with the philosophy of Satanism.

“Ours is not a religion of indoctrination. The Church of Satan has never been one to publicly proselytize membership simply for the sake of generating numbers, the value of quality over quantity being ever present. We have ever held a stance of secularism, and I find that within the sphere of education, the separation of church and state stands as the primary bastion of hope for the hearts and minds of the innocent.”

“We’re not here to force-feed people or demand undeserved compassion. To expect that the loose knit cabal which comprises the membership of the Church of Satan, or even Satanists who choose not to affiliate publicly give a happy hoot and holler about your children and mine is solipsism at its worst. I hold no illusions that my children are my sole responsibility, and that there are Satanists among us who don’t care one wink about the future prospects of my children. I say this without an ounce of venom or malice, because not only is it pragmatic, it is infinitely more honest than you’ll find from many people who preach a Sunday sermon or tout a path of peace.”

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