
66 posts


Satanism is an atheist philosophy which does not condone sacrifices nor does it support murder. Our stance on criminal acts is that the punishment should fit in kind and degree the crimes committed. The admitted devil worshipper pictured below left is a theist, not a Satanist. Regardless of what fictional entity is being worshipped, many now grasp that extremist theism worldwide promotes acts of savage injustice. Today murders, beheadings, sexual slavery and torture are stock-in-trade for many people of “faith” and such deeds are often inflicted on those who do not share the beliefs of the perpetrators. Sadly, we can […]

Killer Heels

At the Brooklyn Museum in New York, a special exhibition is celebrating the art of the high-heeled shoe. “Killer Heels” reminds me of Magus Anton Szandor LaVey’s essay, “The Witch’s Shoe as Weaponry,” in which he suggests methods for utilizing this icon of feminine power as an actual weapon of self-defense. LaVey also details the aesthetic magic of high heels in The Satanic Witch. “Killer Heels,” open until February 15, 2015, is surely a worthwhile pilgrimage for witches and any other, ahem, enthusiasts. Satan Speaks: The Satanic Witch: – Warlock M. Mandrake

Ello, Privacy, and Economics

What a tragedy: Ello, the”Facebook Killer,” is receiving VC funding and has a plan in place to monetize its users. (Or, as they say in the industry, “sell eyeballs”). How dare they offer a free service then profit from our demographic information? Why must venture capitalists stick their talons in our social networks? What ever happened to our PRIVACY!!! As both Karl Marx and Adam Smith will tell you, economics is everything. Buying the servers required to house a big social network costs money. Keeping them powered up, cooling them down, giving them the bandwidth necessary to handle requests without […]

DC Comic’s Lucifer TV Series Coming Soon

For far too long has the Devil been the scapegoat for the irresponsibility of man. Mike Carey’s comic masterfully portrays Lucifer as the gentleman he is, observing humans suffering their own tiny lives and dramas, with no interest in the souls they wish to sell. The challenge will be whether the producers at Fox can successfully carry over the nuances of a sympathetic devil pondering the problem of Free Will. With the success of TV shows like Breaking Bad, I believe the time is right for the ultimate anti-hero to get his proper due. —Reverend Raul Antony


I’m so glad I don’t live in Russia. A few plutocrats have near-complete control over the media. Russian society lives in a world where apathetic cynicism is cultivated by the ruling classes, where “news” functions as an entertaining distraction and where any sort of intelligent discourse is quickly sidelined by provocateurs and trolls. Oh, wait… Pomerantsev’s critique of Putin is insightful and he correctly recognizes Russian superiority in the field of international online propaganda. But he fails to recognize the ways in which these same mechanisms function in America and Europe. When America’s choices are the Koch Brothers v. Huffington and […]

The Battle Continues: Ron Reagan Censored by CBS

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s ad featuring Reagan speaking about the intrusion of religion into the US’s secular government was not accepted for broadcast by the network, though Comedy Central had already run in on two separate programs. It is clear that theists still hold plenty of power since such a major network fears offending them. The secularist point of view is unwelcome when the majority of society are a gaggle of mush-minded believers who do not tolerate skeptical opposition. As we’ve noted time and again, the struggle is on and support of the FFRF—a large group which has had […]


Occasionally a high profile fashion designer will successfully marry explicitly Satanic imagery with haute couture. Alexander McQueen’s 2007/2008 line unveiled with a pentagram catwalk, was a terrific example. Gareth Pugh’s 2015 Spring/Summer Collection not only has a beautiful high-end horror theme (very Jodorowski), but integrates an inverted pentacle in a bold way. —Reverend Kevin Slaughter


For Banned Books Week, author Trevor Blake continues his yearly tradition of posting a link/commentary roundup of “unorthodox and unpopular ideas that were banned or challenged in the United States in the years 2012 – 2014.” While waving about a copy of “The Great Gatsby” for solidarity is easy, tackling incidents that are making the status-quo uncomfortable NOW, is not. —Reverend Kevin Slaughter

US Air Force Drops “so help me God” Requirement in Oaths

A minor victory for American secularism was scored in the courts, but one that could set a precedent for other institutions to follow. The Locke and Milton-inspired Enlightenment values that influenced the American revolution will hopefully continue fighting for, as Thomas Jefferson coined it, “a wall of separation between church and state”. We give a horned salute to the airman whose Luciferian sense of rebellion took him to this victory. Let our schools, our legislative halls, and all publicly-owned grounds heed the Air Force’s example. Onward! —Warlock Darren Deicide