While Christians celebrate their myth of a savior risen from the dead, Satanists note that aspects of today’s traditions stem from ancient seasonal celebrations which often include symbolism derived from the rising of dormant vegetation, and thus “rebirth” and “resurrection.” Maga Nadramia has strategically placed tulips to enhance our garden here at The Black House. A growing number of Satanists enjoy rebranding this day, exchanging greetings of “Happy Beaster!” for they use this occasion as a reminder of the love, respect, and awe we have for non-human animals, with whom we are so evidently kin. It is always delightful to have yet another way to celebrate the splendors of Nature’s fauna, especially our “bestie beasties,” who share our homes and environments.
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) was one of the greatest of symphonists, and his third effort in this form, written from 1893-6, was his longest (roughly 100 minutes in duration) and still remains one of the most diverse musical landscapes ever composed. In the work, he follows an essentially evolutionary pantheist progression of primal life rousing from insensate nature—which he described as the awakening of the Greek god Pan—through subsequent movements exploring the plant and animal kingdoms, a setting of Nietzsche’s “Midnight Song” from his Also Sprach Zarathustra characterizing the human condition, followed by a tongue-in-cheek look at simple religious faith, and concluding with a slow movement full of passion, ultimately ending triumphantly as a celebration of love—of life and Nature—as humanity’s highest inclination. It is a magnificent musical edifice, and, while listening to the entire work is certainly worth the time invested, the third movement, originally titled “What the Animals in the Forest Tell Me” is what I suggest for this “Beaster Sunday.” I offer a link to a performance by the rising young conducting star Maestro Klaus Mäkelä with the Oslo Philharmonic. Listen for nostalgic interludes played by an offstage “post horn,” and particularly for the advent of human consciousness, sounded by trombones and horns, as part of Nature’s procession at the 17 minute mark. I trust you’ll enjoy Mahler’s sound world and share in his admiration for the intricate panoply of our Universe.
Whatever pleases you to do this day, may your vital lives be filled with an abundance of joy and a plethora of delights as you move in harmony with the glories of Nature!
—Magus Peter H. Gilmore